
Scientific journal

Founded in 1998

ISSN 2520-6397 (print), ISSN 2520-6400 (online)

Registered by National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting Extract from the Register of subjects in the field of media (Resolution of January 18, 2024, No. 120, Protocol No. 2) Media ID: R30-02555

Certificate of the State registration:  Included into the List of Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine, category «В» (Order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, protocol № 157, 09.02.2021)

Branch of Knowledge: philological sciences (linguistics)

Publication frequency: twice a year

Languages: Ukrainian, English.

Founder: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

website URL: http://mova.knu.ua

Collection of scientific papers «Linguistic and conceptual worldviews» is indexed by:
1. Crossref
2. Index Copernicus
4. ResearchBib
5. Maksymovych Scientific Library
6. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

7. UlrichsWEB


The academic journal publishes scientific articles/reviews on current topical issues in contemporary linguistics, translation and interpreting studies.

The journal is intended for specialists in linguistics, translation and interpreting studies as well as academics, professors, doctoral students, graduate, and undergraduate students.


The editorial board adheres to the principle of open access to research results, contributing to the free dissemination of scientific information and the global exchange of knowledge. Users are allowed to read, download, copy and distribute freely available content for scientific and educational purposes provided the original work is properly cited.

The journal complies with I4OC standards for open citations.

Editorial Ethics

The editorial policy of the scientific journal Linguistic and Conceptual Worldviews is based on the principle of objectivity and impartiality in selection of scientific material for publication. Compulsory double-blind review of manuscripts and high requirements for the quality of scientific research ensure a competitive level of content. The Editors guarantee the copyright and related rights’ enforcement and ensure accessibility and efficiency in communicating with authors.

Editorial Ethics

Activities of the editorial board are subjected to the guidelines of the Committees on Ethics of Publications: The Committee on Publication Ethics https://publicationethics.org/ (COPE), the norms of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Copyright and Related Rights” https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/3792-12#Text, the Law of Ukraine “On Education” https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2145-19#Text, the Charter of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and the Ethical Code of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, including but not limited to the equality of all articles and authors before the executive editor, editorial board and reviewers; confidentiality; originality of the submissions and plagiarism; conflicts of interest.

The editorial board reserves the right to reject submissions that do not comply with the standards of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, as well as with the requirements for publications in scientific periodicals registered in international scientometric databases.

The journal screens article (review) submissions for plagiarism using Unicheck (unicheck.com), Plagiarism Detector (plagiarismdetector.net).


– The editorial board makes the final decision on article/review publication in the journal. The Editorial Board of the Journal is responsible for the proper submission of scientific materials to the consideration of the scientific community, as well as reviews the submitted materials for plagiarism using verification systems.

All materials, after preliminary evaluation by the Editor, undergo an independent anonymous double-blind review. The Editorial Board ensures the confidentiality and impartiality of the review process.

The Editorial Board undertakes to provide an author with reviewers, who in a timely and impartial manner carry out the duties of reviewing the article.

The Editorial Board does not influence the decisions of the reviewers.

If there is a positive and a negative review of the manuscript, the Executive Editor appoints an additional Reviewer. Negative feedback is considered by the Editorial Board which makes the final decision.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse, after preliminary consideration, the submission of materials for review in case of incorrect manuscript design, inconsistency with the basic scientific criteria, the Journal scope, plagiarism, re-publication, etc.

The Journal publishes information on financial support for research.

If the Executive Editor finds strong evidence of the fallacy of the conclusions provided in the work, plagiarism, falsification and fabrication of data, he informs the Author and the Publisher to make a decision on publication of corrections, clarification, apology, or a retraction, if necessary.

The Editorial Board publishes in the public domain on the website the current Rules for Authors and Reviewers.

The Editorial Board and the Publisher take appropriate measures to resolve the conflict when they receive a complaint or claim on ethical violations regarding the submitted manuscript or the Journal article.

  • – Articles are reviewed for their content, regardless of the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship, political preferences of their authors.
  • – Articles that do not comply with the scope and requirements for publication, as well as those submitted to other scientific editions or containing previously published results of the study are rejected.
  • – The editorial board reserves the right to revise the articles while preserving the author’s main standpoints, conclusions, and style.
  • – The editorial board adheres to the copyright laws and practices.
  • – The editorial board examines the cases of scientific ethics rules violation, conflict of interest (between the author of the study and the reviewer / the author of the study and other persons) and plagiarism.
  • – The editorial board maintains confidentiality of the article authorship and the information contained therein.
  • – The Editor-in-chief and members of the editorial board shall not disclose to third parties information on the content of the manuscript under consideration, except for those persons who participate in its scientific evaluation. After a positive decision of the Editor-in-chief, the article is published in the journal.
  • In case of disputed issues, the Editorial Board acts in accordance with the COPE Guidelines on the Issues of Public Ethics Violations:  https://publicationethics.org
  • – The author submits an original article that has not been published previously and is fully responsible for the novelty and validity of the research results.
  • – The article should be formatted in compliance with the journal’s requirements for publication.

– Reproduction of part of other publications, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, falsification, and fabrication of data are unacceptable in the article. The information from scientific works and other sources must be given in a form of quotation indicating the source in full compliance with existing requirements. Uncredited information and plagiarism in any form are unacceptable.

  • – The author should immediately report to the editorial board if any errors and inaccuracies are discovered in the submitted article.
  • – The author is obliged to warn the editorial board about the presence of an actual or potential conflict of interest.
  • The Authors may submit materials only in one journal. Submission to two or more editions simultaneously or submission of a previously published article is an inadmissible violation of ethics leading to rejection of the manuscript.
  • The Authors of the work are the persons who have made a significant contribution to the research and preparation of materials for publication.
  • The Authors should make sure that all participants involved in the preparation of the materials are indicated as co-authors and agree with the ordering of the list of co-authors and the final version of the submitted materials.
  • • It is necessary to clearly indicate the source of funding.


– If it is not possible to review materials because of lack of qualifications or time, the Reviewer is obliged to inform the Editorial Board about this and shred or return the received materials.

The reviewer’s feedback should be objective, reasoned and contain the information about the presence or absence of plagiarism.

– The reviewer can resign from reviewing if the scope of the article is incompatible with the reviewer’s expertise.

– The reviewer commits to respect the author’s right to intellectual property and confidentiality of the article, prohibiting the disclosure and use the information contained therein.

– The reviewer should inform the editorial board of a possible conflict of interest. The Reviewer should not be involved in peer review if he or she is in close personal or professional relationship with the Author or co-authors of the article or research organization where the research was conducted or works in a competing organization on the same topic. The Reviewer should inform the Executive Editor of other possible conflicts of interest (political, religious or financial) and seek the advice of the Editorial Board if there is any doubt about the matter.

– The reviewer is obliged to provide a timely review of the article.


In order to ensure transparency and provide an opportunity for readers to make their own assessments and objective conclusions regarding the study, the Editorial Board insists on the Authors disclosing all conflicts of interest. Responsible for disclosing of a conflict of interest is the Corresponding author. A conflict of interest can be financial or non-financial. The Authors are required to declare any potential or real conflict of interest that may affect the work and the results obtained. The Corresponding author on behalf of all authors should fill in the Form of disclosure of a conflict of interest and submit it together with the manuscript. 

Copyright and Licensing

License terms: authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution License International CC-BY .

If the article is accepted for publication in the  journal «Linguistic and Conceptual Worldviews» the author must sign Author Publishing Agreement. Download Author Publishing Agreement