УДК 811.161.2̕ 01ʼʼ16ʼʼ
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/2520-6397.2021.1.01

Asieieva Т. О., Master Student,
Master Student, Institut of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


In this article we study the texts of Leontii Karpovych in the context of a new type of sermon — the baroque sermon of the 17th century. The seventeenth century is notable for the fact that the aesthetics of the Baroque brought Ukrainian religious literature to a qualitatively new level, enriched it with many original compositions. In this context, we emphasize the figure of Leontii Karpovych, as in his work the features of a new type of sermon are beginning to be clearly pronounced, although the first texts date back to 1617. In order to form the views of believers and to enshrine in their minds religious teachings, to convey to them the word of God, the preacher must be able to use language resources skillfully that will help to achieve the goal. We analyze the functions of imperative forms of verbs in Leontii Karpovych’s baroque sermons. The sermon is studied as a communicative act between the preacher and the recipient. In the article we study the peculiarities of the functioning of grammatical categories of person and number in the text of Leontiі Karpovych’s sermon. We put emphasis on the use of imperative forms in accordance with the structural canon of the baroque sermon of the 17th centurу (the structure of the sermon consists of exordium, narration, and conclusion). Also, we investigate the functioning of performative verbs (mental and social) because the sermon, as a genre of religious literature, is based on the act of communication of the preacher with the audience. We analyze the consequences of using certain forms of imperatives (rapprochement with the audience, separation from the audience, the formation of a call to action, the actualization of the role of the preacher as a mentor), and the productivity of these forms.

Keywords: imperative, influence, communicative act, preacher, recipient, baroque sermon, Leontiі Karpovych.