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- Conceptual Field of Subsphere “Natural World” on Basis of Political Metaphors (Ukrainian and English)
Conceptual Field of Subsphere “Natural World” on Basis of Political Metaphors (Ukrainian and English)
UDC 811.111’06’27’42(043.3)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/2520-6397.2024.1.07
Nadiia KABANTSEVA, PhD (Philol.)
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5566-407X
е-mаil: kanadezhda1@gmail.com
International Humanitarian University
Odesa, Ukraine
Oksana NAZARENKO, PhD (Philol.), Assoc. Prof.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4697-6100
е-mаil: nazoks13@gmail.com
National University “Odesa Law Academy”
Odesa, Ukraine
The article is devoted to the conceptual field of the subsphere “Natural world” based on metaphors in political discourse in the Ukrainian and English languages. The frequency of political metaphors use in the research languages was studied. The special features of the subsphere “Natural world” in metaphors of political discourse in the Ukrainian and English languages are determined. The conceptual field’s lexical-semantic content of the subsphere “Natural world” is analyzed. The peculiarities of the subsphere conceptual field, its division into concepts, and the connotative nuances of this subsphere on the material of the research languages are distinguished. The frames of the animal and plant world are determined, where metaphors reflect the specifics of political life, election procedures, ways of attracting voters, the nature of the interaction between political parties and voters, the processes of adopting laws, reforming and international interaction. Political metaphors in the field of geology and meteorology are also analyzed, where metaphors are actively involved in political rhetoric, reflecting the political life of the country as a whole, as well as political events abroad; metaphors are actively used to denote
elements of the country’s political life, which journalists present as changeable, poorly predicted, but at the same time dynamic and cyclical.
Keywords: metaphor, political metaphor, political discourse, conceptual field, subsphere, natural world, living nature and abiocoen.
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