2018, 64 edition (2)


  1. Andriychenko U.V. Spanish gender pictures of the world: development dynamics at the present stage. – C. 13-18
  2. Bahrova E. Rendering F. Scott Fitzgerald’s artistic model of the world in translation. – C. 18-23
  3. Bondarenko M. Phrazeological units with floristic component in linguistic world view of Ukrainians. – C. 23-30
  4. Brynyuk A.M. Specifics of lexicalized syntactic structures translation in modern English mass media. – C. 30-36
  5. Verhalyuk M.M. Lexicography of biblical phraseologisms in Ukrainian language. – C. 36-42
  6. Hashymova A. The names of landscapes in old-Ukrainian literary language of XVIII century (based on poetic texts and fables by Scovoroda) . – C. 42-47
  7. Hdeshynsʹka A.V. Pragmatic adaptation of media medical English texts. – C. 47-53
  8. Grechka S.O. “Cultural weapon” as a component of the consciental warfare against Ukraine. – C. 53-59
  9. Gusar A.V. Linguocultural and linguosemiotic features of verbalization of the mythic concept battle in modern English-language musical discourse. – C. 59-64
  10. Zavertkina YU.B. Structural and grammatical specifics of phraseological units translation in English newspaper discourse. – C. 64-68
  11. Ivanova A.V., Borysovych O.V. Linguistic means of self-representation in social networks. – C. 68-74
  12. Kovalʹ A.O. Ukrainian lexis with the semantics of nature and landscape as the object of educational lexicography. – C. 74-79
  13. Kolodiy B.M., Pidmohylʹna U.I. Application of implicit and explicit means in reproduction of communicative intention in marketing texts and their translation into Ukrainian (based on cosmetic advertisements) . – C. 79-86
  14. Komarnytsʹka T.K. Mass-culture as a threat for the linguistic culture (the example of Japan) . – C. 86-95
  15. Kravchenko O. Pecularities of speech acts realisation in Chinese youth internet-texts: gender aspect. – C. 95-102
  16. Kuzʹmenko U.I. Vocabulary of photographic sphere in Ukrainian standard language: the history of formation and development. – C. 102-109
  17. Кур-Кононович І. About the symbolism of clouds in the context of Sergeу Jesienin poetry. – C. 109-119
  18. Lazer-Panʹkiv O.V. The peculiarities of the ancient Greek proverbs phonetic variation: the consonantism. – C. 119-125
  19. Luhova U.V. Strategies of translation processing and transformation of specialized information in English scientific-popular texts of medicine. – C. 125-131
  20. Mihunova D.O. Specific features of representation in Ukrainian language of the artistic atmosphere of horror in the novel “The Stand” by Stephen King. – C. 131-138
  21. Povoroznyuk R.V., Antonova V. People vs. machines: the evolution of machine transition on the example of pre-operative instructions processed in Google Translate. – C. 138-144
  22. Samusenko O.M. Lexical minimum for Ukrainian as a foreign language: the main approaches to compiling. – C. 144-150
  23. Sivkov I.V. Regionally marked Arab family law terminology of the countries of the Maghreb region. – C. 150-155
  24. Chernyak U.U. The discourse of corporality in “Who killed Palomino Molero?” by M. Vargas Llosa and peculiarities of its representation in Ukrainian and English translations. – C. 155-162