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2017, 60 edition
Мовні і концептуальні картини світу, 2017, випуск 60
{Title} 1-2
{Content} 185-187
Аністратенко Л. {Textual features of the Japanese literary terminology} 3-9
Батюк І. {The position of dialects in detective novel “Points and Lines” written by Matsumoto Seicho} 9-14
Горошкевич О. {Linguistic and cultural portrait of the Japanese somatic words 身 mi “body” and 体 karada “body”} 14-24
Еґава Х. {Stereotypical views on the Japanese woman (linguistics area studies aspect)} 24-31
Закутіна М. {Thematic palette of loanwords in Japanese tourist advertising business} 32-37
Колесникова О. {Language situation and lexicographic tradition in Japan in the 17-18th centuries} 37-44
Комарницька Т. {The system of the concepts of the Japanese warrior (based on the Book of the samurai “Hagakure”)} 44-54
Костевич Н. {The problem of interpretation of phraseological units denoting feelings of love in Japanese} 54-59
Кравець К. {Cultural marked visual means of construction of advertising message in Ukrainian and Japanese languages} 60-64
Мостова О. {Pragmalinguistic features of Japanese and English travel notes based on travel blogs’ material (comparative description)} 64-71
Пирогов В. {Derivative modelling and evolution of the specific word formation characterustics in the Japanese language: diachronic and synchronic aspects} 71-77
Ржевська Д. [Mimetic verbs in Japanese and semantic differences between them] 78-83
Рябоволенко І. {Rhytmic and pausation of orders and direction in Japanese language} 83-88
Семенко С. {Specifics of nara dialect of the second half ofthe XIX century (as exemplified by the text of “Ofudesaki”)} 88-96
Федотова Ю. {Direct nomination of the characters in “The Tale of Genji” by Murasaki Shikibu (etymogical aspect)} 97-100
Біляніна Т. {Bilingualism in Kyoko Mori’s writing: linguistic and stylistic aspects} 101-107
Зеленцова В. {The problem of ekphrasis in “Hell Screen” by R.Akutagawa and “The Madonna of the Future” by H.James} 107-114
Кобелянська О. {Japanese women’s character in the mirror of national literature (poetry)} 114-128
Наумовська Н. {The paradigm of Japanese fairytale’s subgenres} 129-136
Цицилюк Ю. {Image of totalitarian Japan in the antiutopian novel battle royale by Koushun Takami} 137-144
Літінська О. {Spaced repetition learning technique in teaching Japanese} 145-153
Локшина Ю. {Learning of Japanese realities with the help of video course 新日本語の中級} 153-158
Міцуморі Ю. [CBI・CLILを意識した上級日本語授業の取り組み―ブルガリア・ソフィア大学日本語主専攻4年生対象授業実践―] 158-164
Ояма Д. [グループワークにおける参加と不参加の繰り返しによるリフレクションの生成] 164-169
Плескач Т. {The ways of developing students’ communicative competence in learning Japanese at elementary level} 170-174
Трофімова О. [日本文化を学ぶ教材としての小噺の可能性] 174-179
Філонова В. [キエフ国立大学の2年生のための中級準備コースのデザイン]{Planning of intermediate preparation course for the second grade students of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv} 179-184